How Remotely Managed Services Make Your Building Secure

Numerous electronic security innovations have emerged over the decades, but few have been as transformative for commercial security as access control systems. With an electronic access control system, your employees and authorized individuals easy, secure and totally keyless entry into your place of business. But how does it make your building more secure? When you take advantage of our remote management service, that’s when the security benefits really shine through.

Deactivation Benefits  

There are all kinds of sticky situations that can arise when terminating employees, but your managed access control system can give you less to worry about by addressing the security risks involved. For example: If someone is fired over the phone or simply stops showing up, owners no longer need to worry about the terminated person returning a key because their credential can simply be deactivated. It’s as simple as making a phone call with your deactivation order – and then, you’re back to running your business.

The same goes for vendors or other frequent visitors who have been issued access control credentials; when the relationship ends, the credential can be deactivated. It’s convenient, secure, and reduces your liability. 

Customization Benefits

Electronic access control systems are designed to restrict entry points; however, an entry point isn’t always a door. An entry point can be a gate, an elevator or any other physical barriers in or around a business property.

In highly sensitive environments – healthcare, finance, aviation and others – restricting areas that are for authorized personnel only can be even more granular, so that the right employees are given access when needed. Employees who are not authorized can be restricted. In fact, customization can go even further. If employees only need access during business hours, you can restrict their entry to those authorized hours.

Loss Prevention Benefits

But what about retail businesses and other operations where inventory theft is the primary security concern? A remote access control solution can help with that, too. Managed services can protect the merchandise floor, inventory room or anywhere else that requires restricted access so that your investments are protected. And if video surveillance is part of your customized security solution, it can be integrated with access control so that both systems are working seamlessly together.

For questions on the many ways managed access control keeps your business secure, call IDS Alarm Services. We will be glad to discuss managed services with you.

About IDS Alarm Services, Inc.

As an experienced security integrator, IDS Alarm Services, Inc. has served clients in the Southeast U.S. since 1990. Their innovative product offerings include Access Control, Fire Alarms, Network Wiring, Security Systems, and Video Surveillance. Contact us today if you have any questions about adding security or fire alarm systems to your property.

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