Benefits of Keyless Door Entry Systems for Businesses

Although a variety of new security concerns have arisen over the past year, there’s nothing new about the need to keep office buildings secure. Security has always been a priority in the workplace, but some of the modes of security businesses have used over time are now becoming obsolete. Case in point: employee keys.

In the age of access control technology, businesses are moving beyond the outdated lock-and-key method and replacing it with keyless entry. Keyless entry is a form of access control that uses electronic door locks, so that employees use activated credentials instead of keys to enter the building.

The number one benefit of keyless entry is easy, outstanding management capabilities; as people are hired and terminated, keyless entry credentials can be activated and deactivated by the employer. Here are the additional benefits.

Improved Building Security

An electronic credential provides better building security because it eliminates valid security concerns that come with metal keys. Keys are too easy for employees to lose, and some employees have been known to make copies of their keys; whether they realize it or not, that’s a huge security breach.

A keyless entry credential will not be able to be copied, and it’s much harder to lose because of its prominence on the employee’s keychain. If an employer opts for a mobile credential or a biometric one, that can add another layer of protection from fraud. 

Limiting Afterhours Access

Employees need access to the building while they’re working, but they rarely need access after their work hours. By replacing their keys with electronic credentials, they can be prevented from entering during hours you designate – whether it’s at night or other off hours. As the employer, you determine what hours your building is open to employees.

Data Protection

Today’s employers rightly have concerns about data security. If you’re concerned about an electronic system being vulnerable to hacking, rest assured that these access control systems are not. They feature end-to-end encryption to protect your data, and they don’t store any data at the local level. This makes them virtually hack-proof.

Keyless entry systems give you the granular access control you need as an employer. To learn more about replacing outdated keys with this modern access control technology, call IDS Alarm Services. We will be happy to answer your questions.

About IDS Alarm Services, Inc.

As an experienced security integrator, IDS Alarm Services, Inc. has served clients in the Southeast U.S. since 1990. Their innovative product offerings include Access Control, Fire Alarms, Network Wiring, Security Systems, and Video Surveillance. Contact us today if you have any questions about adding security or fire alarm systems to your property.

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