5 Important Security Tools and Systems That Every Campus Needs

Prospective students and their parents utilize many factors to decide which University or college is the best for their needs. While security may not fall high on the student’s list of desires, it does for the parents. Each University has different security systems in place that work for its unique campus. There are some tools and systems that every campus should have.

1.     Electronic Keys

Residence hall doors should be secured at all times, and there should also be a visitor registration system in place. A chip access allows students to enter their dorm with a card that has an electronic chip in it. Most colleges and universities have systems like this now.

2.     24/7 Campus Security

Every campus should have 24/7 security staff made up of police officers, security guards, or a mix of both. There should also be a manned security communications desk, preferably located in the campus safety office.

3.     Blue Light Alarm and Phone Systems

Many campuses began installing these blue light systems after the Clery Act of 1990 that was enacted after 19-year-old Jeanne Clery was murdered and raped on the campus of Lehigh University. These systems include a call button that routes directly to the campus security desk that students can push in emergencies. Pushing the button activates a two-way communication with the local or campus police.

4.     Campus Emergency Alert System

This system notifies faculty, staff, and students about time-sensitive information such as an active shooter incident in progress or severe weather warnings. It’s a swift, multimodal communication system that reaches the people enrolled by e-mails, text message, and phone calls. It’s a preferred method of communication because it can distribute information to more people quicker than other systems.

5.     Safety Escorts

Most colleges and universities offer safety escorts anywhere on campus. Students can call the college police or campus safety department for an escort anytime, day or night. This service is critical to the safety of students, staff, and faculty.

These are just a few of the necessary security systems and tools that every campus should have. Colleges and Universities place a high importance on safety. If your campus doesn’t have these tools or systems yet, you should seriously look into having a licensed security integrator help you assess your vulnerabilities and risks. Then, you can implement a more extensive safety plan.

ABOUT IDS Alarm Services, Inc.

As an experience security integrator, IDS Alarm Services, Inc. has served clients in the Southeast U.S. since 1990. Their innovative product offerings include Access Control, Fire Alarms, Network Wiring, Security Systems, and Video Surveillance. Contact us today if you have any questions about adding security or fire alarm systems to your property.

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