The Impact of COVID-19 on Access Control Now and in the Future

When COVID-19 first appeared, it shocked the world to its core. Businesses and governments struggled to find ways to work and keep countries open while slowing the spread of the pandemic. Today it’s our new normal as social distancing has changed the way we work and even shop for groceries. Now businesses are using new cutting-edge tools to run their companies and keep their families and employees safe.

How the Coronavirus Impacts Security Now

The United States government has identified security and access control as an essential part of the workforce. But many businesses have struggled with how to ensure that their assets and physical locations are secure while making sure employees, visitors, and their families stay safe. For many the answer has been a remote workforce, but there are still security issues to consider:

  • The inability to replace or deactivate lost badges, fobs, or key cards
  • Access to the building for regular maintenance and deliveries
  • Ways to make sure that all facilities are cleaned and disinfected regularly
  • Updated hours of operation and door schedules
  • Possible service and internet interruptions
  • Limited or no access to all security systems running on local servers

Some companies have decided to install a lockbox on-site that has a credential or key inside so that it’s accessible to anyone. That may be convenient, but it also means that criminals can access it easier as well. Plus, it’s no longer a convenient option when you realize that the key will need to be switched out and disinfected regularly.

So, there must be a better way.

Remote Security Management-The Future of Access Control

Remote security management is the future of access control. Mobile and cloud-based access control make managing your business safer with tools to do so remotely, and there’s no need for local servers.

Users can use mobile credentialing to gain instant access to buildings, and there’s no more need for expensive keycards and fobs. Now people can use their mobile devices for access to work, and you can issue guest passes to visitors by sending a link to their phone.

It’s easy to implement your business’s lockdown plan if there’s been a security breach, and you can easily revert to normal operating procedures when the emergency is over. You can do both remotely.

Administrators can also manage the entire system from afar such as make real-time changes to keep buildings secure and while making them accessible. Make changes to opening schedules and set up notifications so you can get alerts on the events you want to know about.

To learn how you can bring the future of access control to your business, contact IDS Alarm Service today.

ABOUT IDS Alarm Services, Inc.

As an experienced security integrator, IDS Alarm Services, Inc. has served clients in the Southeast U.S. since 1990. Their innovative product offerings include Access Control, Fire Alarms, Network Wiring, Security Systems, and Video Surveillance. Contact us today if you have any questions about adding security or fire alarm systems to your property.

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